08 September 2011

Trnje: roads for UPU StaroTrnje

12.10.2011 UPU Staro Trnje PREZENTACIJA Javna Rasprava If
Rehabilitation of settlement Staro Trnje  in  Zagreb
old and new:   landmarks, traditions, attitudes, :Calamitous Intent

Public hearing for UPU Staro Trnje 
suggestions/complains up to 18.10.2011
further details on www.zagreb.hr

promet:  prijedlog UPU-a Staro Trnje

namjena:  prijedlog UPU-a Staro Trnje 

procedure:  prijedlog UPU-a Staro Trnje

basis for further actions 

Prisavlje  the Main Road to Trnje
viable options:
lucrative building vs. healthy city
consolidation, petrification vs. transformation, transgression
4e buildings in Trešnjevka 

old and new  Kruge
representative facade of 5e building in Kruge 
ambiguity: new on  existing grid of roads Vrbik 

present experiences - model Savica,  model Vrbik, model Cvjetno, model Trešnjevka, model Kruge

Staro Trnje genuine set-piece and profanity of high-rise buildings

Subjektive versus objektive Realität
crude infrastructure instigating calamities
Trnje in Zagreb context: degradation of central axis primordial sin -  urban blindness
 sinnlose menschliche Natur und Gefühle, 
Staro Trnje:  present options Doppeldeutigkeit