Healthy Zagreb

green city = healthy Citizens
regularly cleaning 

ZG Declaration Healthy City
Zagreb bio data in brief-- 

Zagreb Habitats
 - overview of all possible habitat types in the City
Zagreb Flora
- endangered and protected species in the City of Zagreb

Open publication - Free publishing - More flora
Zagreb Fauna
- native, alien and extinct species in Zagreb area

Healthy city tactic:
Urban planning method1: Reshaping public parks

New park next to Sava river: Riverside park Racinjak

Urban planning method 2. 
Green Belts of Zagreb: an old system saved from oblivion: stitching  left over spaces

Planning method 3.
The concept of concatenating great public parks of  Zagreb:

 Planning method 4.
a tissue of promenades along the Zagreb creeks bonds North and South

No planning method  or ad hoc method

number of new flats (- 100m2) equals number of new planted  trees in the neighbourhood 

Zagreb green peculiarities 

small: the trees I absolutely adore

bigger: Mt. Medvednica  is in the middle of the City of Zagreb
regular visits to Mt.Medvednica
 heavy trackking
longing for kuhano vino
the eternal rest


the annual flower fair  in Zagreb 
around  Bundek lakes  in Novi Zagreb next to the river Sava
 leads us  to

Healthy Zagreb

 every May there are  strawberries in Zagreb
 from Zagreb county 

learning from others
Spanzierfest in Varaždin
in Sibenik:  vacancies  nuked by green stuff