01 March 2012

Block Badel - Urban clues for Zagreb Brownfields Rehab

Case study 2012: Hehab of UrbanBlock  Badel 
competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

mere playground for future possibilities or challenge for connoisseur

1. what does it mean "urban - architectural concept design" with no context

Is it we don't know what to do with the block or pretext for we want to make use of this area for opportunistic goals
2. need for programs that include systems approach
step by step guide: 

1. involve only a dash of history

2004 blok Badel sazetak

What was most important in 2004
2. consciernt networking 
There is only one Man_orientated street in Zagreb CBD  left if so.
Marticeva street is leading from The Main square to Block Badel
3. integration trough street life 
there are separated treas inside and outside the block
New alleys may induce new activities and tie up
Kvatric square, Marticeva street and Petrova hospital from outside in.
some clues (from ZZPUGZ) needed? there are already   urban-rules
tips and tricks embedded in ZG Master plan  
4. narrative potential - layerd urban story-telling garnished with  
 architectural approach: reuse of style, scale, rythm and colors

Zagrepcanka district detailed plan for brownfield rehabilitation 001heinzel-vukovarska222a City project Zagrepcanka program 2007. "build city within the city" City project Zagrepcanka
Oil factory conversion 2007 2007 02Izmjene UPU Lj_p_z_b_CK Uljara Cond bus factory 2008 Zagreb east 2008 03upu Tvornica Autobusa Prezentacija Croatia bus conversion 001heinzel-radnicka222a TKZ Zagreb Textile factory Zagreb west 2008 01UPU_TKZ Banjavciceva Zavrtnica conversions 010prezentacija06_UPU Banjavciceva222