09 March 2012

Agenda4ZG urbanism: listen to EWB and respond JIT

How to protect life in the city  and life of the city?

Urbanism is all about art of customization i.e. how to deal with people in cities, how to tame present  structures to future needs having in mind life in general not only bare human standards or instincts. 

The aim is to ensure city to prosper with minimal ecological footprint and at the same time to be steady hotbed for technological advancement.

1.step -  knowing what it is all about:

It is all about:

extensive updated knowledge base and 
professional  "esoteric" tips and tricks base 
common sense - concerning  dialectic of transgression 
l'astuce to respond favorably
and that ensures: gentle positive approach

2. Affirmative  urban approach - as result of an educated guess
3. so you may expect volte face to happen 
This is small contribution  or a tip to 
set rules affectionades that makes Laws and Order

use this remedy:  COMPASSION for  life tragedy en general
for your sake too 

Agenda for any city, Zagreb included

lore as result of practical approach in harsh environment: learning from Old Trnje 

1. protect peculiarities: 
a. local: local people local material  local prospect
b. macro: health  cultural context  site 
c. micro:  protect details - life styles
2. spread particular knowledge expertise
3. foster common sense astuteness4. instigate positive change
5. re-envision regulary 
6. make use of strategic leverage
7. give personal touch
8. consider city as media per se 
9. consider city as part of holon structure

Kada togsa nema jer tko bi gubio vrijeme za druge evo primjera o dva nepomirljiva životna stava:

1. razumljiv,  ali smisleno plošan, često na granici kiča te stručno prezren: trial and error approach 

lest to play;  on Flower square,  district Center

2. ezoteričan, kojem puk pokušava dati smisao kojeg nema a mogao je ga je imati  da  je bio prihvaćen izazov višestukog kodiranja
A form or The Symbol with ample structural connotations from Ra to balls
Singularity may advocate fixed rule policy too?

Zaključno ili bolje za praksu početno je :

Tema urbanizma je život  u gradu, a to demantira krute stavove o tome što i kada treba djelovati.
I u urbanizmu postoji pravilo: JIT
just in time
djelovati odmah ali kao gradski urbanist.

Obično više mislimo kad su jedine prihvatljive opcije da više ne mislimo:

 "ne bi se štela mešati"
"evo ti 2", ili
 "dao bog da te voda odnijela " .

A coda: What are EARLY WARNING BIRDS and who is entitled to hear these  bad omens and respond favorably in time.

Bureaucrats never, they turn blind eye deliberately