07 March 2010

frameworks for: polishing the city

which way are you going my friend
Ma'at or bottom lined urbanism:

kojim putem ići   what is first in urbanism:
moral, just, fair, equitable, supportive to general order or balance
economics, accumulation, gain, net profit

kažu da je prvo ona Ma'at odredila čvrstu točku u kaosu,
refining solid ground means detecting where do we come from,
what we are and what we have, what do we know and what are we willing to do to make a change 
naravoučenje: i.e. start form yourself
urbanotvornim redom do reda ali i reda u vlastitoj glavi 
refine urban rules to refine standpoints of an architect

dakle za Novi Zagreb i za zelena naselja iz 1980. a potom i za cijeli Zagreb 
For Zagreb,  follow the clues of the past,
CIAM principles to polish present green cities 
for tomorrow 

Zagreb urban grow limits are green 
sve lepo zeleno,
cvetićem si ti meni ograjeno
slow city*  to re-city the city
but in tune with broader picture that has something to do with ethics and ethnos
with local knowledge & sentiments: 

reconstruct: refurbish,  rehabilitate, reanimate, reinterpret, re-connect, re-urbanize  or
wait for

gdje je taj osjećaj za ljepotu življenja
ljepota je u metodi pokušaja i promašaja i trenutnom ispravljanju pogrešaka
što traži
openness, clarity and  sensitivity, 
when path and fruit are taken as union