rebuilding - retrofitting - rehabilitation is the process of continuation
renovation is starting anew
EU Urbanism respect The story:
in scale, rhythm and color yet with zest of esoteric/personal details
s poštovanjem prema mjerilu, ritmu fasada
Case study : Flower square of post heroic phase of ZG Modernism
building anew or with the scent of history
pulsate through vertical division of facades, acentuation of roofs- top level sections of buildings, and
in nourishing site peculiarities
but - 7 Erkes left surrounding the square
have little to do with Purism und Loos
pace of changes
Are these buildings suggesting that all others are to be denolished in the name of progress.
pitanje je koja se kuća pravi važna, koja sugerira da se susjed mora srušiti jer je došlo "novo vrijeme"
renovation is starting anew
EU Urbanism respect The story:
in scale, rhythm and color yet with zest of esoteric/personal details
s poštovanjem prema mjerilu, ritmu fasada
Case study : Flower square of post heroic phase of ZG Modernism
building anew or with the scent of history
pulsate through vertical division of facades, acentuation of roofs- top level sections of buildings, and
in nourishing site peculiarities
but - 7 Erkes left surrounding the square
have little to do with Purism und Loos
pace of changes
pitanje je koja se kuća pravi važna, koja sugerira da se susjed mora srušiti jer je došlo "novo vrijeme"