03 June 2020

Where should I live and how

     How to make decision where to live

            Ako želite živjeti na predmetnoj parceli Vama se mora sviđati kontekst.

Zadovoljni ste veličinom, uređenošću  (pristup, infrastruktura, kvaliteta tla, bez klizišta vododerina, rasjeda i sl). U obzir ste uzeli  položaj (vizure, osunčanje, vjetrovi, buka, zagađenja) i susjedstvo, dominantni stil života.

Ujedno zamislite da li nezamislive inovativnosti susjeda odnosno izmjena prostornog  plana mogu ozbiljno  narušiti osnovne vrijednosti vašeg izbora. Uvijek mogu ali  barem vi budite umjereni.

If you want to live on the plot in question you have to like the context

You are satisfied with the size, orderliness (access, infrastructure, soil quality, without landslides, land faults, etc.). 

You took into account the location (views, sunshine, winds, noise, pollution) and the neighborhood, the dominant lifestyle too.

 At the same time, imagine whether unimaginable innovations of neighbors or changes in the actual Spatial Master Plan can seriously undermine the basic values of your choice. 

It always can but at least you can be moderate.

further advices: https://www.moneycrashers.com/where-should-i-live-decide-best-places/