18 May 2012

Master plans for City of Zagreb-amendments

It is high time do participate in reshaping Master plan of Zagreb
 just start, 
protect Zagreb Downtown  reconsider optimal  height of the buildings
  you can't miss if you tip for better living conditions
no more parking in front of the building like this
public hearing 29.06.2012
new public hearings are expected to come

healthy city:  sunce na prozorcicu  2houres of sun at least

more green antegardens, respectable lanes for pedestrians, bike and trees
decent highrise buildings with ZG retreat

city projects within Zagreb only with ZG context and Croatia in mind
parking issues of new groundscapers next to old, shabby  unite d'habitation
I vote for old CIAM again
I vote for public parks, trees, birds, benches, carousels, swings
old stands for urban rules, new stands for eternal breed of modern but bottom lined managers

 a study of skyscrapers to build meaningful megastructure  Gestalt

Continuation of alleys, to provide  sidewalks to Sava river past the alleys

09 May 2012

Resnik waste treatment in Zagreb

Location:   Resnik saying welcome

Resnik  hosting visitors

Resnik  childern point of vue

Resnik MBO

Resnik horizontals

Resnik  verticals

Resnik to solve:  silt from Resnik MBO

Jakusevec waste treatment in Zagreb

still all together for healthy city 
Jakusevec shall never be left alone
sweepings. watering, aquifer

06 April 2012

Cycling in Zagreb - How rent a bike

rent a bike from 14.05.2013.  in Zagreb too

Zakon o Sigurnosti Prometa Na Cestama - Prijedlog Izmjena

Prijedlog rješenja biciklističkih staza u široj zoni Savske ceste_web

drugi o  toj temi:  biciklom kuci 2011 unknown Zagreb