04 February 2014


learning from Siget

Novi Zagreb,
CIAM architecture,
garden city of yesterday

highrise: standard skyscrapers 17E

lowrise: rowhouses  2E  protecting itself with medieval walls 
echoes of past Arcadia 1E  behind the walls of New Arcadia

in-between: no lift needed up to 5E
mending school roof 

The wall

03 February 2014

learning from Stara Vlaska

Nova Stara Vlaska
solitude, juxtapositioning, bragging, alienation

how to articulate point of contact with the passengers

inspiring colors for the insiders

Ould Vlaska enrichment

northern entrance 
parking gorge and genuine lightening attraction  
pedestrian muzzle: invitation for the wanderers from the east

self-assesment !!!
 eben; cherish the street:  personalities
paths, colors, rhythm,
some time ago 

31 January 2014

Cribs in Zagreb

Jaslice u noći muzeja

Zašto adventsko ruho skidamo prije Noći muzeja ili čak Fašnika