03 September 2012

I like shrubs and flowers too

decorative shrubs
relived from leaf ausfall in 2015 got 130cm hight 
ericaceous plant relocated to half shadow   smaller each year ?

  fragile branches loaded with blosoms
cytitus killed by frost, no flowers looks like grass died last winter -25

well vigorous with flowers ---  thriving well
duftjasmin no flowers for tree years still small, some flowers scarsely 2014 
deutzia 4 years no flowers,  decorative slow  grow,  lost or changed color  in white  
fberberis small, 4years still the same,  AGM 

lozica rapid, not so beatiful  this color last to first wind blow

interesting transformations  flowers 10cm long
on second year get bush shape over 300cm high
juniperus slow, fighting for life  to much sun or more  water 
rododendron uskrsnuo na 3 lokaciji,  wilt and  1/3  wane again in 2015
euonimus fighting for life  to much sun or more  water still the same size transportet to half shade  ok

arguta quick, decorative fair grower
bumalda adorable magic eye catching but flowering in june
jasminum yellow flowers after 3 years   ceased with grow 
potentilla bijela cvjeta odmah a oker mjesec dana kasnije start with 2-5 flowers very shy
2nd year  bush umbrella  10 flowers at the time

killed by mildew

resilient shrubs

ilex fighting for life  to much sun or more  water
displaced in mid-shadow   thrive well 
wilt and  1/3  wane  died 2nd year
many leaves no flowers
2n year  full in flowers   cca 1.5m2 severely pruned by neighbour

smashed by wind but alive detest sun wind and fire 2nd rebirth 
many flowers 2nd year many stams
red floers turned into blue

almost no flowers for 3years

  to much sun or water  loosing leaves rapidly after 4 years  still fighting for life

nice flowers fair

still recuperating from sun attack got  new bed with acid soil
2nd  flowers  slow growth
1 month of white flowers, but without flowers
boom in spring  

hubsch cover  nice leaves 
flower ausfall killed by drought next year reappear

white tinny is beautiful still ground cover like flowers turning to pink

vigorous  different colors 2nd  double its size
big driving force flowers in May only 

messy flowers in may 

hendel is willing to bloom but loose leaves
schwanensee ist ruhig and flowers in may
Wanderful is gargantual and pest resistant 

 two up to 4 flowers flowers

ok  bigger 

real beauty in clay next year get orange by drought and direct sun 

turned to be violet 
loosing leaves  disappear, reborn and dissapear in2014,
tinny flowers

turned out to be violet
70 cm in 2014, in 2015 started to grow  200cm

after 2 years stil small

rot from inside out 

spread more than 2m'

gone by mildew or drought in spring 2015

2years of latency 
6 smal petals in one row

killed by frost

translated pace to sun 

nikad počelo rasti 

anemona praznik za okou 10. mjesecu

slab miris i nešto leptira ali bujan rast h=200cm

23 August 2012

waste management strategy in action

still in the old   fashion way

a mountain of waste 

layers of silt 

is it the only way  can we act now   - JIT

 examples of more successful approach

children are informed as well

start smart 

Za potrebe uspostave cjelovitog sustava za gospodarenje otpadom Grada Zagreba istražuju se sljedeće lokacije:
(1.) Na utvrđenoj lokaciji za postrojenje za termičku obradu otpada, uz Centralni uređaj za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda Grada Zagreba na Resniku, istražuju se mogućnost sortiranja i predobrade otpada, mogućnost izdvajanja i privremenog skladištenja posebnih komponenti miješanog komunalnog otpada koje se sukladno propisima klasificiraju kao opasni otpad, te mogućnost odlaganja inertnog otpada.
(2.) Kao lokacija za reciklažu i odlaganje neopasnog građevnog otpada i zemljanog iskopa u funkciji sanacije klizišta Kostanjek istražuje se lokacija unutar šireg područja nekadašnje tvornice cementa u Podsusedu, sukladno posebnom projektu.
(3.) Lokacija Resnik – Ostrovci, sjeverno od Centralnog uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda Grada Zagreba, istražuje se za potrebe reciklaže i odlaganja zemljanog iskopa i neopasnog građevnog otpada.
(4.) Istražuje se nastavak biološke obrade biorazgradivog otpada u kompostani na lokaciji u Markuševcu.
(5.) Istražuje se lokacija glinokopa Novačica u Sesvetama za gospodarenje inertnim otpadom u cilju sanacije glinokopa.
(6.) Istražuje se lokacija na Jankomiru za obradu glomaznog otpada pretežno metalnog sadržaja bez primjesa opasnih komponenti otpada i bez odlaganja bilo koje vrste otpada.
(7.) Istražuje se lokacija Dumovečki Lug kao lokacija za Centar za gospodarenje otpadom Grada Zagreba sa svim sadržajima potrebnim za prikupljanje, predobradu i obradu svih vrsta otpada, osim radioaktivnog, što uključuje odvojeno prikupljanje pojedinih vrsta otpada, sortiranje otpada, reciklažu, biološke, mehaničko-biološke, fizikalno-kemijske i termičke postupke obrade otpada. Ova lokacija se predlaže za izgradnju kazeta za odlaganje ostataka nakon termičke obrade otpada, kao i drugog inertnog otpada kojeg nije moguće reciklirati ili oporabiti nekim od postojećih dostupnih postupaka te čvrsto vezanog azbestnog otpada s područja Grada Zagreba.
Lokacije u istraživanju mogu se do donošenja novog Prostornog plana Grada Zagreba koristiti za potrebe uspostave cjelovitog sustava gospodarenja otpadom Grada Zagreba uz uvjet da su iste valorizirane i utvrđene Planom gospodarenja otpadom Grada Zagreba.

Ppgz Prezentacija Za Ponovnu Javnu 2012

10 July 2012

Antegardens of Zagreb

Zagreb Master plan 
amendments 2012  again

improve quality of life: 
rediscover and make use of ante-gardens of Zagreb
connotations disclosing fear of and care for public and  private 

garden as a part of the house
no constraints  open space but privacy respected 

garden as a part of the street
later in CIAM style Donje Svetice 

antegardens as decorative gadget to put stress on architecture
all is to be seen  nothing to touch
keep sharp distance from 1.class architecture 
glimpses of classy detail galore  
sometimes later on, a copy in modern style
new details less horticulture very same plastic can placement

what a neighboring priorities
abc of how to effectively kill: antegardens,  public parking, ZG style

brand  new ante-gardens in   antiZagreb style  

how to help yourself Zagreb east 
no respect for neighbors, grayish domination  even inside the block
don't care for neighbors but for the car

nostrum: use antegardens -  plant a tree for every flat or 
build to rent not to sell

upto title

13 June 2012

River Sava

fear or appreciation
evidently only fear

most attractive parks are next to river Sava

step no.1: go west 

step no.2: embrace east

focus on projects that include Sava river