10 October 2014

Paths to get yourself in tune; STRUKLIJADA combined with KESTENIJADA

kako doći do balansa
Štruklijada i kestenijada u Mariji gorici je pravi put uz jelo glazbu susjede i namjernike.
A na Rokovom preivoju do cilja se dolazi u tišini.

Rokov perivoj

A gdje su ta gradska djeca

ivica's pearltrees on Zagreb

21 June 2014

changing optic or realities

put emphasis on own feelings 
in order  to trace them down 

camera view fading away 

sympathy, empathy or feelings prevailing

remaining memories, oblivion  or  induced dystrophy

unexpected lighting  offers a clue for LF revelation

20 June 2014

GUP Sesvete - Master plan amendments

a city within the city
range of possibilities and some drawbacks  pace to deregulations 
Public hearing 16.6.2014 - 30-6-2014

generative project that can rebuild city center  cross the railways  and lead the city up to the river Sava

Sesvete brownfield  Badel

Sesvete brownfield  Sljeme

Sesvete creeks future public lines to river Sava