Showing posts with label christmass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmass. Show all posts

24 December 2018

vila Weiss

vila Prekrižje or villa Weiss, dualizam koji proizlazi iz konceptualnog pristupa
prezentacija države ili obitelji
na dane Obitelji.
( uz pitanje dat je i sam odgovor a za mudre postoji i treći put.

spirit of Kolinda is omnipresent
traditional  Christmas wreath missing apples and  painted dolden nuts
sretan vam Božić iz Prigorja, napokon
look who's watching

cookies and hot tee for free
a svi su kao uplašeni,
valjda zbog straže

03 December 2018

Advent 2018 Zagreb

Alles  Gute 

Zagreb, advent na Zrinjevcu

29 January 2018

Hrvatske procesije

We are not supposed to be humble shepherds anymore, neither 3 Kings returning to their comfort zone.
Right now, it is our turn to start to be ourselves.
There are always some public gatherings. An occasion to demonstrate Cooperativeness, unexpected interpretations and collaboration, improvisations to transgress rules system to secure realization in real time. 
It was Noć muzeja 2018. at Zagreb trade fair.
Children plying up to the midnight. Smiling faces everywhere

It was manifestation of New Eve 2018 resolution - be happy. 

18 December 2017

advent_time in Zagreb and around

hype in Zagreb, serene white only 20 km on the west

04 January 2017

Sretan Božić i Nova godina

Štef jel to tvoj bicikl

svi se slkaju ispod svoda od lampica 

samo nek blešči

21 December 2015

Advent in Zagreb

božićni bakalar na Trgu BJJ

Weihnachtslicht aus Wien in Zagreb gekommen
zagreb cityhall

Advent in Zagreb fuliranje day by night

on the main square


on The Flower square

on Bogoviceva and Gajeva street

 on Kaptol square

09 December 2015

Sretan Advent 2015

Japek Naš
Japek naš ki si v nebesih,
nek se sveti ime Tvoje,
nek prihaja cesarstvo Tvoje,
nek bu volja Tvoja
kak na nebi tak i na zemlje.
Kruhek naš vsakdanešnji nam daj denes
ter odpuščaj nami duge naše,
kak i mi odpuščamo dužnikom našim.
ter naj nas vpelati v skušnje,
nek nas zbavi od vsakih hudobah,
er Tvoje cesarstve je ter moć
i slava v vse veke vekovof.

The Lord´s Prayer

Our Father in Heaaven 

hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as in heaven

Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, 
the power
 and the glory are yours. 
Now and for ever.



Vater unser im Himmel
geheiligt werde deine Name 
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.

03 December 2015

Advent in Zagreb 2015

It has never been so many happy people on the streets of Zagreb.
It was the opening ceremony on Jelacic square, Ice skating rink  on Tomislav square and Advent on Zrinjevac.

All events are listed on

Advent on Zrinjevac
Crowd on The Main square - Jelacic platz

afternoon stroll in Zagreb

Wir wuenschen Ihnen stressfreie Vorweihnachtszeit in Zagreb